[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: very belated condolences, Radje

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Sun Mar 5 16:09:37 EST 2006

Mikey and Janneke, we were so very sorry to hear that your mother's piggie, 
Radje, passed away.  How sad that you were right that he did have some type 
of heart condition.  Yes, it is not always a happy thing to be 
correct.  Thank you for sharing some of your memories of him, such as how 
he became a gentlepig and enjoyed talking to Robbie, his friend in the next 
cage.  Please know that Radje is now healthy and happy at the Bridge and 
that he appreciated your concern about him.  We send our condolences.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their humans.

Cindy, Sunshine, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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