[Gpdd] [HEALTH] clumpy poos - Kelly with the crew

Cheryl Cline cherylcline at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 14:30:29 EDT 2008

Hi Kelly,

The clumpy poos sound like diarrhea, and I have found out the very
hard way that this can indicate a vitamin C deficiency.  Please take
Waffles to the vet.  It is possible for pigs in the same cage on the
same diet to have different vitamin C levels and for one to develop a

If you would rather try upping his vitamin C intake first, you could
try giving him a supplement, like the Oxbow GTN-50C tablets sold by
Oxbow Animal Health
(http://www.oxbowhay.com/Shop/showProduct.sp?PRODUCT_NO=53).  If this
doesn't work, I think you should take him in. They can give you a
concentrated vitamin C solution to give him orally.

It's very painful for me to write this, but I lost my J.B. last year
in part to diarrhea caused by vitamin C deficiency.  I had no idea
that he had this problem, especially since his cagemate Alex had no
such deficiency.  He had clumpy poos from the day I adopted him from
the shelter, and I foolishly thought that it was just normal for him.
We got him to the vet too late.  I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm
just still so heartbroken that I lost him and to something so easily

Cheryl, slave to Alex P. Hamilton (and remembering J.B.)

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