[Gpdd] SILLY: Secret Santa - very excited Squeakers!

family.duffy at virgin.net family.duffy at virgin.net
Wed Jan 2 15:08:10 EST 2008

We, The Surrey Squeakers, would like to thank The Winky Girls SO SO much for the amazing parcel of gifts that's just arrived. The cuddletubes are wonderful (and so thoughtful to send one for each pen!) and we love the snackballs. The letter about Christmas traditions in the Netherlands was read out loud to us all and it sounds great fun. Our slave (and her husband) adores liquorice and often buys the Australian sticks of it that are on sale here now, so the "Drop" will disappear very quickly! As for the chocolate, our slave loves Dutch chocolate. The elderly understudy slave who feeds us when our normal one deserts us to go on holiday, used to work for Shell and lived in Holland for a while. He still drinks his tea the way he learned to there - with no milk - and he used to get his Dutch friends to bring our slave, when she was a child, "chocolate hail" to put on buttered toast for breakfast! She's always going on about it! So thank you once again. You have made the Squeakers (and our slave) very very happy. We do hope that our parcel, sent on 8th December to Iowa, USA to Avery, BJ, Corina and Sammy has arrived. It took from December 10th to 31st for our parcel to come from the Netherlands to England, so perhaps it'll take even longer from here to the US. Does PigAir still fly? Can't they carry some mail in their planes?!The Surrey SqueakersP.S. Our spell check didn't like "Winky" and has suggested that we meant to write Wrinkly, Kinky, Windy or Stinky! Charming!

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