[Gpdd] HEALTH: Herbie

Cindy calliope at geeksnet.com
Tue May 5 13:35:51 EDT 2009

Shweta, you are right that you should avoid giving Herbie calcium, since she has bladder stones.  Unfortunately, bladder stones are very serious for a piggie, and Herbie might need surgery.

I would suggest joining the Bladder Stones list.  There are many helpful people there.  Here is the address:


Even if you don't want to join, you will find helpful articles on suggested diets for bladder stone piggies.  Is your vet an exotics vet?  If not, it would be a good idea to take Herbie to someone more knowledgeable.  

Please know that you and Herbie are in our thoughts and prayers, and please keep us all posted on her progress.

Cindy, Tumbleweed, and Friday

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