[Gpdd] ANNOUNCE - a new addition

Andrew a1.mills at portset.net
Thu Nov 19 14:22:15 EST 2009

For a while now I've been thinking about getting a friend for one of my guinea pigs who lost his friend a few months ago.  Often if I lose a  guinea pig I'll try and get a friend as quickly as possible but in this case Mutley, the guinea pig who was left, had been a little bit sniffly and I didn't want to risk putting anyone else with him in case it was anything contageous.  He was eating and behaving perfectly normally, just had a slightly sniffly nose.  Well, he's been fine now for a couple of months and I felt he was getting a bit lonely so have been looking out for someone to keep him company.  Today I was in one of my favourite local pet shops and naturally was looking at the piggies.  There was this one little boy, sitting in the food dish and shouting his head off.  There was food there, it obviously just wasn't to his liking or he wanted something better!  Well, I held him, thought about it for a while and decided he'd be a good friend for Mutley.  He's a little tric!
 olour, dark brown, ginger and white.  I think he's most likely a cross between an abby and something else, he's one of those piggies with a sort of long tuft of hair sticking up on top of his bum.  His fur is very soft and silky.  Since getting him home he's been running around, exploring everywhere and making quite a bit of noise.  I think he's going to be quite an active little one and will probably take the lead in trying to deafen me when the vegetables are on the way!  I think he's going to be quite a character.  I think I'm going to call him Wurzel.  Others in the UK may remember a children's programme from years ago about a scarecrow called Wurzel Gummidge.  Well, this scruffy little boy is a bit of a scarecrow (in a nice way) with his tufts of hair sticking out.  I hope the two boys will hit it off, I don't usually have too many problems introducing a younger boy to an older one.  As we know all piggies are cute but I think this little one is going to be very entert!
 aining.  I'm looking forward to getting to know him better.

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