[Gpdd] Health; Spooky has Bloat

warmbreath at comcast.net warmbreath at comcast.net
Fri Jul 23 03:30:19 EDT 2010

  Answers as best I can by number to the ones I have any knowledge on

  1.  I looked it up and infacol is exactly the same as simethicone so as long as the preparation you use is for gas only, NOT gas and diarrhea then you can give it many times a day many days in a row, it has no known toxicity. Also make sure there is no sorbitol in it, a fake sugar that produced more gas and diarrhea.

  2.  Continued lack of appetite usually means pain so keep up the massage and tummy heat application and the simethicone. Pain meds often perk up the appetite as long as its not an opoid which blocks up the gut. its pain that makes them want to eat. As long as you are syringe feeding and giving wet lettuce he should be ok.  An expensive probiotic with a long list of bacteria in it would also be useful, Benebac is just acidophilus

  3. You cant make him eat hay, except try some alfalfa or fresh picked grass, sometimes that will overcome their reluctance

  4.I would not use liquid paraffin, it is a refined oil product and as far as I know should never be given.  this is esp true as you say he has no impaction, therefore no need for oil. If you feel a crying need for oil give a bit of olive oil, never give a non food oil

  5  I looked up Metatone and can find no reason to trust it or give it to anything living, it was recently recalled for having traces of petrol in it. it is probably a by product of oil, like Vaseline or  paraffin.  Please just follow that article I sent for bunnies, it has saved thousands of bunny lives

  6  In all these years I have never seen any thing I knew was a cecal poop, you would have to catch it when he goes for it but before he swallow, a practical impossibility.  Seriously have you ever seen 2 types of poops" cecal as supposed to look different but piggies always eat them from the source so you cant get any  Maybe Vedra Knows

  Share my answers around and see what you come up with  I would trust any pig of mine to the article I sent you
  good luck  Sandy and Sammy

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