[Gpdd] [Health] <Spooky has Bloat>

Janneke guinygirl at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 05:08:34 EDT 2010

Ow, regarding the other type of poo. Hector won't hand them over
easily. They just eat them right away. Yaya had a whole period with
diarrhoea and other belly problems and that ended once she decided to
eat Jan the Boar's poo. Poor man had to sit with his butt in a corner
of the cage because she wouldnt leave his furry behind alone.

You'll recognize it when/if you find it. It's different from normal
poo, it's softer and stinky.
(currently chico doesnt always eat his..)


p.s. wanna see cute pigtures of the winky team and our guests chico
and the guinygirlz? They tweet lots of pigtures for Mieke and Erwin;
@winkyteam: http://tweetphoto.com/user/2188218 and @guinygirlz:

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