[Gpdd] RAINBOW BRIDGE: very belated condolences, Cocoa

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 19 19:33:36 EST 2012

Ellen, it was with much sadness that we read of Cocoa's passing.  We are so very sorry that he had to be helped to the Bridge, but please know that you did the most selfless thing you could do for him.   We had hoped that his bladder stone might somehow pass, and we are sorry that he was not a good candidate for surgery.  Please know that you did all your best for him, and he was a lucky boy to be a beloved member of your family.  Please accept our very belated condolences on his passing.  Yes, we have no doubt he has met many friends, both old and new, at the Bridge.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all sick piggies and their families.

Cindy, Friday, and Ethan

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