[Gpdd] GPDD (Announcement) (Hina'u and Merary's fifth birthday today May 23!)

Ellen Garrison guineamom88 at yahoo.com
Fri May 23 22:13:06 EDT 2014

Hi everybody,

I am so excited and happy to say that today, May 23rd, is the birthday of Hina'u, and his sister, Merary - (aka Merary-Ary-Bandit).
Five years ago I peeked into their mom Sami's pigloo after she came out skinny (she had been pregnant) and there were 4 little mini guinea pigs! omg how cute and sweet.
Their two siblings, Li'l Red Saphire, and Cocoa, who wer among that litter of 4, plus their older sister, Sheila, and mom, Sami, have all gone to the bridge, and are happily waiting there for them.  Their dad, Angel, is still here with us.
Happy Birthday to Hina'u and his sister, Merary! We will be celebratring hugely later on today, with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, after I get off work!!

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