[Gpdd] ANNOUCEMENT: Nuggets Tribute

Christine Burton christineburton83 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 10:26:56 EST 2022

Dear Cindy
Thank you for taking the time to write the lovely tribute to dear Nugget
.He was obviously such a lovely boy and you and the other boys had such a
strong bond with him. I am glad he passed pain free and quickly. This just
happened to my two girls. They were weeks of being eight years old and in
both cases went from eating their heads off to missing one meal and dying
very soon after with no other symptoms . I don't have any guinea pigs now
and I haven't posted for years but I so read all posts and feel all the
loses and enjoy the happy moments. My girls died two months apart but in
both cases within a couple of weeks of being eight . It was a privilege to
have them so long. Love to Scottie. Chris Burton

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