[Gpdd] ANNOUNCEMENT: Nugget's tribute thank-you

bunny rabbit calliope996 at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 29 16:33:25 EST 2022

Scottie and I want to thank everyone who wrote us about Nugget's tribute. It means a lot that he was able to touch your lives as he touched ours. Thank you for your kind words and support.
Writing the tribute was, as you know, difficult, but it also allowed me to feel as though I were spending time with him. He was alive in my mind once more.
I do apologize if the tribute looked odd. I wrote it off-line in Word and copied it into my e-mail, with paragraphs, but if the tribute looked like one long paragraph, I am sorry. That's how it showed up in my inbox, but I hope not in yours!
All best to all people, piggies, and other friends. You are all so special.
Cindy and Scottie, missing Nugget

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